Busy as hell these days as my company, Chi Cuisine has been receiving limitless inquiries after running our “20% off any catering event booked by April 1st, 2013”
It is also noteworthy to mention our new policy is just ONE event per day & CHEF SCOTTY is guaranteed to be there!. I ain’t no Spring Chicken but I still think of myself as the “more of most host” like a tickery-toc-toe, jammy jam, Buddhist believing, sweet potato slinging personality plus person that just so happens to be a pretty damn good culinary & event artist. Pass this savings along (ie: a referral to our services) and should they book???? You get 20% off your event redeemable at any time you so choose. Now that’s one hell of a deal folks!!!!
It’s Friday and if I was as organized as I endeavor to be . . . this would have been written on Wednesday leaving me but one day’s luxury of kitchen enslavement before this weekend’s procession of events. I’m effortlessly weathered, substantially tethered and fearlessly feathered; which is to say that I’m walking that very fine line between reality & fantasy . . . and that’s when Scotty is in his groove.
Gone fishing I did & did I ever catch one. I’ve raised my vibration in accepting my circumstance without misgivings in hopes of not screwing up this potential scenario of love. I wrote too much last time and it snapped the line, more or less freaked out the gentleman caller, so we’ll leave it to the simplicity that I would very much enjoy sharing the burdens & beauties of life with one of equal nature and envious heart. This guy has the right stuff, maybe so righteous as to alkalize my mannerisms and make a more better me. (bad English that sounds good right now). I used to think my soul purpose was to make a difference in saving our Earth. Creeky bones, stolen businesses, burns and old fashioned bitters have me thinking I’ve missed out on too much life . . . always placing the future before the now & ignorance playing the devils advocate of all things past. Somehow I screwed up the equation or never understood the question. I never liked math anyways.
With Culinary Blessings & a Fortunateous St. Patty’s Day
Chef Scotty
Recipe for Marley Mojo Macaroonsmacaroon picture
By Chef Scotty
4 Cups of Organic, Naturally Shredded Coconut
1 Cup of Almond Meal
1 Cup of Free Range Egg White
1 Cup of Evaporated Organic Cane Sugar
2 Tbsp Vanilla Extract
2 Tbsp Fresh, Organic Ginger
1 tsp, Green Cardamom
Mix together the egg white, cane sugar, vanilla extract, cardamom . . .mix it good, nobody wants stringy eggwhites, then add the almond meal and shredded coconut. Scoop about 3 oz balls (about a heeping spoonful) and scrunch up in the palm of your hands. Put on a sheet pan and bake at 375% for about 15 minutes.
*Note: Feel free to add a splash of almond extract, rosehip water or even orange blossom water